Thank you for your interest in Physician Assistants for Global Health and global health in general. We are a network of PA's organized to advocate and support individual PAs and the use of PAs in underserved areas. There is a tremendous amount of interest in volunteering, global health, and the PA role in the international arena. PAGH was designated by the AAPA to handle many of these issues. We are the only PA organization of this type and are working to organize and centralize the PA profession and support individual PAs in their efforts.


Welcome to Physician Assistants for Global Health! We are a grassroots non-profit organization working to meet the needs of PAs interested in working in medically under served areas around the globe.

PAGH is volunteer run and member funded. We can do great things through the power of teamwork!

Looking for a job internationally? a place to volunteer? Become a member and you will have access to our network database, a resource of organizations and companies utilizing PAs in their endeavors abroad. You will also have access to postings of our most recent opportunities monthly in our newsletter, the Nexus. This great publication also includes CME articles, interviews with PAs working abroad, information for students and more!

PAGH does not endorse or support any specific organizations. None of our funding is spent on lobbying or political action of any sort. We do not sponsor any direct medical missions. What we serve to do is provide the interested PA with information about the opportunities available in hope that we can help them find the right match for them.

We thank all of our members present, past and future for their support and we hope you will stay connected and join us if you have not yet signed up! We always welcome word from our members and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Contact us at any time at [email protected]

Yours in service,

Olivia Bockoff, PA-C, MPAS
Physician Assistants for Global Health


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