• This organization works in more than 130 countries world-wide to bring long term development programs and immediate emergency response to communities through a network of global offices. They provide outreach in the areas of hunger and nutrition, women’s health, community health, childcare, and disaster relief. They also get involved in the local economic concerns like clean water and sanitation in order to promote local economic growth of rural populations.

  • Opportunities Available

  • If interested, explain your interest for more information here:

  • Contact:     ADRA, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904

  • Phone: 800-424-2372


Azma International
  • *Home webpage currently down. Can reach out to directors via facebook

  • This is a trip that involves home-stay accommodations with a local family, bottled water will be provided by the host family at $5/ week , 2L per day. In rare cases, home stays may not have electivity or running water during times of drought. In such cases, family will provide access to fresh water supply

  • Locations: Kenya, Peru, Uganda, Dominican Republic

  • Cost (2020):

    • Peru- $950 🡪 food, housing, ground transport, in-country project coordination/development, liaison staff

    • Kenya- $1,200 🡪 includes same as above as well as Safari to Maasai Mara National Park and tour of Kibera slum and Nairobi

    • Out of Pocket: Airfare, VISAs, vaccines, internet/phone, travel insurance (not mandatory), transport unrelated to work, safaris and tours not included in specified trips

    • Yellow Fever is required when traveling to Africa or the jungle in Peru. Otherwise none are required.

  • Application:, has $35 application fee

  • Contact: 336 36th St., Suite 772, Bellingham, Washington 98225

  • Phone: 800-568-9778,

    [email protected]


Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB)
  • *** All field deployments have been put on standby for 2020 due to COVID 19, however, this organization is looking for 2021 potential volunteers. Can apply for New York Internships and remote volunteering opportunities if you want to contribute to the COVID19 response without leaving home. Currently interviewing applicants for 2021!

  • Locations: Haiti, Peru, South Sudan, Zambia, Kenya

  • Duration: 6 + months, Long Term Placement/Medical Support for all Allied Health and Public Health Professionals.

  • Specialists Needed: OB/GYN, Family Medicine, Gen Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Dental, Urology, Orthopedics

  • Average costs: $3,500-5,000

    • Encouraged for fundraising to offset trip costs otherwise.

    • Minimum of 3,500 to be raised prior to departure, total of 5,000 to be paid

    • Includes: round trip airfare, housing, monthly stipend, insurance coverage, fundraising training

  • Application Form for Placement: /volunteer/ (currently being edited)

  • Information to Volunteer:

    Application Form:

    • Will be required to provide CV, and proof of licensure

    • After review, you will undergo a face-to-face interview. If accepted, a 3day pre-departure orientation will occur. 

  • Contact:    CMMB-Healthier Lives Worldwide, 100 Wall Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10005

  • Phone: 800-678-5659, Email: [email protected]


CERT International (Christian Organization w/ Medical Component)
  • Involves provision of medical/dental care as well as spiritual needs

  • “By ministering to physical needs, doors are opened for our teams to minister to spiritual needs as well”

  • Locations: Liberia, Mexico, Romania, Peru, Jamaica, Ukraine, Moldova, Thailand

  • Offers free medical and dental clinics

  • Cost:  Varies depending on location, includes lodging, meals, in country transport, travelers insurance, medical supplies/pharmaceuticals, translators

    • Out of Pocket: any VISAs or vaccines required for each trip, cultural excursions or shopping trips

  • Mission Trip Calendar:

  • 2020 Dates:

    • July 11 – 18, 2020 ROMANIA (Medias, Transylvania region). Cost: $1200 + airfare, This trip can be combined with the following week (July 18 - 25) in Moldova for a total trip fee of $2100! 

    • July 18 – 25, 2020 MOLDOVA (Pohrebeni), Cost: $1200 + airfare

    • Aug 7-22, 2020 PERU (Andes Mountains), Cost: $1400 + airfare, Optional trip consideration: Machu Picchu

    • Sept 4-13, 2020 UKRAINE (Poroshkovo) , Cost: $1000 + airfare

    • Sept 26-Oct 3, 2020 MOLDOVA (Pohrebeni), Cost: $1200 + airfare, can be combined with Romania for $2100 + airfare

    • Sept 18-26, 2020 ROMANIA (Medias), Cost: $1200 + airfare

    • Oct 9-18, 2020 LEBANON (Syrian Refugee Camp), Cost: $1400 + airfare *Dates subject to change*

    • Nov 6-21 ,2020 THAILAND (Bangkok), Cost: $1600 + airfare

    • Jan 2021 GUATEMALA (Camotan), Cost: $1200 +airfare

  • 2021 Dates:

    • Feb 19-March 6, 2021 PERU (Maldonado), Cost: $1750 + airfare

    • May 7-16, 2021 LEBANON (Syrian Refugee Camp), Cost: $1500 + airfare

    • Apr 9-18, 2021 LIBERIA (Monrovia), Cost: $1200 + airfare

    • March 13-21, 2021 MEXICO (Mexicali), Cost: $700 + airfare

  • Application:

  • A non-refundable $500 deposit secures your spot on a team, full balance is due 1 mo prior to travel

  • Copies of licensure are required to be provided and enlarged color copy of your passport

  • Contact:    Michele Wyatt, Director of Operations, CERT International, 460 Old Jamestown Hwy, Crossville, TN 38555

  • Phone: 931-707-9328/888-299-8502

  • Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]


Christian Medical and Dental Assistance (CMDA)
  • Each year, they send 45 to 55 teams around the world to countries including El Salvador, East Africa, India, the Pacific, Nicaragua, Central Asia, the Middle East and many others.

  • Applications: located under each trip page

  • Cost: Varies depending on which trip is chosen

    • A non-refundable application fee of $150 is required up front

  • Vaccines/Forms: Each trip with separate list of requirements which can be accessed under the trip tab chosen

  • Liability:

  • 2020 Dates

    • Sept 12-19, 2020 NICARAGUA $2695 Deadline: 7/19/20

    • Sept 18-26, 2020 N AFRICA/ MIDDLE EAST $3795 Deadline: 7/14/20

    • Oct 3-13, 2020 E AFRICA $4035 Deadline: 7/19/20

    • Oct 9-18, 2020 W AFRICA $3840 Deadline: 7/8/20

    • Oct 9-18, 2020 GREECE $3495 Deadline: 9/9/20

    • Oct 10-22, 2020 MIDDLE EAST $3520 Deadline: 9/13/20

    • Oct 29-Nov7 EASTERN EUROPE $3245 Deadline: 9/25/20

    • Oct 30-Nov 7, 2020 HONDURAS $2540 Deadline: 9/20/20

    • Oct 31-Nov 8, 2020 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC $2505 Deadline: 9/6/20

    • Nov 13-22, 2020 ATHENS, GREECE $3495 Deadline: 9/21/20

    • Nov 13-21, 2020 ECUADOR $2895 Deadline: 8/30/20

    • Nov 14-21, 2020 NICARAGUA $2595 Deadline: 9/20/20

  • Contact:    Christian Medical and Dental Assistance

  • Phone: 888-230-2637, Contact page:


FIENS (The Foundation for International Education in Neurological Surgery)
  • Mail: James Johnston, MD (c/o Tracy Pohlman) , Volunteer Coordinator, 1600 7th Avenue South, Lowder 400, Birmingham, AL 35213

Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC)
  • The organizations goal is developing the world through the implementation of innovative and self-sustainable health improvement programs. Involves a multidimensional strategy that includes clinical services, extensive community outreach efforts and health education programs

  • Locations: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru, India, Phillipines, Uganda

  • Cost: all of below includes donation to support sites, housing, food and within country transportation

    • Costa Rica $1,234 / wk

    • Dominican Republic  $1,034 to $1,234 / wk depending on season of travel

    • Ecuador/El Salvador/Nicaragua/Peru  $1,034 to $1,234 / wk depending on season of travel

    • India/Philippines  $1,499 for 2wks, then $695 per week thereafter (only incl 2 meals/day)

    • Uganda  $1,399 for 2wks, then $675 per week thereafter

    • Out of Pocket: VISA, airfare, travel/med insurance

      • Partnered with Worldwide Risk Management to provide you with international travel and medical insurance. [email protected]

  • Multiple Programs Programs:

    • Summer International Health Fellowship- 4-8wks immersion and service program with intensive daily clinical experience.

      • Locations: India, Nicaragua, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uganda, Philippines

    • Master’s Degree Practicums- fulfills academic requirements while making a tangible contribution. Works with institutions to arrange rotations according to the requirements of specific programs.

      • Locations: Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru, Uganda, India

    • Internship Program- 3-6mo stay for FIMRC Ambassadors and 7mo-1 year for Fellows. Hands-on experience while developing innovative sustainable solutions to global health challenge

      • Locations: Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru, Uganda, India

    • Global Health Volunteer Program- For general medical volunteers

      • Locations: Costa Rica, Phillipines, Dominican Republic, Peru, India, Ecuador, Uganda

  • Craft your experience around dates of availability/ choose your own site placement

  • Contact:         Jessica Kuhlmeier, Volunteer Program Specialist, 1518 Walnut St. Suite 1504, Philadelphia, PA 19102

  • Phone: 888-211-8575  ext1   btwn 9am and 5pm EST

  • Email: [email protected]

    • ** In response to COVID19, this organization has launched exciting virtual volunteer opportunities so volunteers can gain experience from home.

      • Virtual Global Health Fellowship: remote certificate, similar to the traditional Summer International Health Fellowship. 4-8 week or 8 week program that involves learning and applying clinical skills, medical case studies, journal article reviews, project development

      • Virtual Global Health Training: customizable certificate program for University partners and Institutions seeking to provide opportunities to receive essential global health resources and information from experts in the field, participate in interactive training modules

      • Spanish-only Voluntariado Virtual de Salud: participantes tendrán la oportunidad de aprender sobre el rol los servicios de salud en comunidades con escasos recursos, y como fundación, nosotros respondemos para mejorar la salud de la comunidad. A través de lecturas, videos, experiencias clínicas en línea, y actividades interactivas, tendrán la oportunidad de tener un impacto entre las comunidades donde trabajamos! Cada participante de este programa recibirá un diploma para su participación.

        Cost: $250 USD por una semana, para totalamente $100 USD

      • Virtual Global Health Volunteer: Provides flexibility and closely reflects the volunteer program. Learn about pertinent health issues and help develop health education and advance on-site programming.

  • This organization treats patients and shares expertise with local health professions during procedures and in-service sessions. Surgical teams are built around one or two surgical specialties and consist of surgeons, anesthesiologists, operating room and recovery nurses and, as needed, pediatricians or family practitioners and therapists.

  • Medical Teams Abroad Program (MTA) works at the invitation of host countries. Medical teams work at hospitals and clinics along with local healthcare providers and surgical teams work in local hospitals. Non-surgical teams will also help with screenings and offer training to local health support


  • 2020 Programs remain domestic to the US to help children with unmet medical needs in times of this crisis. Please contact your local Chapter to learn more on how you can help.

  • All prices and requirements provided after application is submitted    

  • Contact:     Carol Borneman, P.O. Box 9065, Spokane, WA 99209-9065

  • Phone: (509) 327-4281. fax: (509) 327-4284


Health Volunteers Overseas
  • This organization aims to improve availability and quality of health care through education, training, and professional development of the health workforce in resource-scarce countries. They value innovation in program improvement, excellence in promotion of lifelong learning, partnership between local professionals, and stewardship.

  • **Due to COVID19 HVO has suspended volunteer placements through August 31st. However, we are continuing to recruit and place volunteers on the schedule for later this year and for 2021, so we encourage you to submit an application to begin planning now.

  • Application:

  • Will be required to provide a copy of your license, CV, and three professional references

  • Programs in all of the following specialties:

Hand Surgery
Hand Therapy

Internal Medicine
Nursing Education
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Oral Health

Other Projects
Physical Therapy
Wound & Lymphedema

  • Specific information about the costs and breakdown along with locations internationally are located on this page and under the specific area of interest.

  • Contact:    Health Volunteers Overseas, 1900 L Street, NW #310, Washington, DC 20036

  • Phone: 202-296-0928, Email: [email protected]


Heart to Heart International
  • This organization embraces the vision of every person in every community having access to a healthy life. They believe that this sets the foundation for individual and community development. They are passionate about creating a healthier world and broadening access to healthcare services.

  • Cost: once you apply for volunteering, dates and cost will be provided to you along with inclusions

  • Volunteer Handbook:

  • Volunteer Internships:

  •  Contact:    Heart to Heart International, 11550 Renner Blvd, Lenexa, Kansas 66219

  • Heart to Heart International (HHI) has activated its volunteer roster of healthcare professionals and is working with International Medical Corps to provide medical surge capacity to hospitals around the country to fill critical gaps in patient care, nursing, and infection prevention and control.

    • This will be unlike a standard HHI deployment. HHI/International Medical Corps will act as a link between volunteers and hospitals.

    • Volunteers must be available for a 10-14 day shift at a hospital

    • Please note, you will be requested to self-isolate for 2 weeks post deployment

    • People are needed as soon as possible for the foreseeable future

    • Flights and lodging will be provided by International Medical Corps

    • A per diem for food and other incidental expenses will also be provided at the close of the deploymen


His Healing Hands (HHH) Short Term Mission
  • Involves registering patients, obtaining histories, triage, patient examinations/diagnoses, prescribing medications, medical clinics

  • Locations: India, Peru, Ethiopia, Haiti, Phillipines, Romania, Indonesia, Mexico, South Asia

  • Cost:

    • Philippines: $2,250🡪 includes hotel, meals, airfare, domestic connections, transport, translator, insurance coverage, bottled drinking water if needed, scrubs

    • Mexico: $685 + airfare🡪 lower range price is for those providing their own transport to San Diego departure point who do not need an overnight stay in San Diego, higher range would apply to members who need to fly into San Diego and stay overnight prior to departure.

    • Peru: $1,850 including airfare round trip from LAX🡪 includes hotel, meals, airfare, domestic connections, transport, translator, insurance coverage, bottled drinking water if needed, scrubs

    • South Asia: $3,250 including round trip airfare from LAX🡪 includes hotel, meals, airfare, domestic connections, transport, translator, insurance coverage, bottled drinking water if needed, scrubs

  • 2020 Dates

    • Philippines    5/21-5/30

    • Mexico        7/7-7/13

    • Peru        9/4-9/12

    • South Asia    11/12-11/22

  • Application: 

  • Contact:    HHH International Headquarters, 1050 Las Tablas Road, Suite 5,  Templeton, CA 93465

  • Phone:  805-434-3653

  • Email: [email protected]


Hospitals of Hope  (Christian organization)


International Medical Relief (IMR)
  • Working alongside other professionals in mobile medical clinics and sustainable health education

  • Locations: Vietnam, Myanmar, Dominican Republic, Nepal, Cambodia, Tanzania, Senegal, The Gambia, Costa Rica, South Africa, Tonga, Guatemala, Haiti, Madagascar, Panama, Cuba, Rwanda, Peru Rainforest, Uganda, Thailand, Kenya, Philippines, Argentina

  • Cost: $2,000-$3,350 depending on trip🡪 includes all ground transportation, lodging, food, tips for services provided by IMR team, clinic costs, translation services/ security if needed

    • Out of Pocket Cost: insurance, vaccinations, VISA requirements, desired trip supplies, flights

    • Flight can be arranged by IMR. Travel insurance is recommended at your own cost. 

  • 2020 Dates:

  • Vaccines needed vary on location. Refer to:

  • Malpractice Insurance is REQUIRED

  • This organization fully supports online fundraising for the cost and extra supplies to support the group on your trip! Tips on fundraising for your trip are on their website under the “Resources” tab

  • Contact:    International Medical Relief, 1151 Eagle Drive Suite 457, Loveland, CO 80537

  • Phone: 870-635-0110/970-635-0110

  • Email: [email protected]


International Volunteer Headquarters (IVHQ)


ISHI Global (International Surgical Health Initiative)
  • This organization offers general, trauma, and oncological surgical services alongside primary care. Approximately 15-25 members per team.

  • Accommodations depend upon location. Ghana and Peru involve hotel stays, where Sierra Leone involves a guest house with private bathrooms. All rooms are shared. No excessive hiking/camping style arrangements.

  • Duration: 9-12 days

  • Locations: Guatemala, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Phillipines, Ghana (every September), Peru (mid May), Bangladesh

  • Cost: $1,500 🡪 includes airfare, food, in country transportation, accommodation and alternative fees

    • Out of Pocket: vaccines, VISA

  • Once the above cost is provided, ISHI Global will arrange all your bookings for you.

  • Application located on website, will post at least 8 months in advance from each trip

  • 2020 Dates:

  • Application and CV must be sent for review. Licensure will need to be provided. The process may involve a phone interview. Allow up to 8wks for a response. 

  • Contact:    Vickey Patel PT, MS, ISHI Vice President, Communications Volunteer/Mission Coordinator, 35 Hudson St. Apt 3512, Jersey City, NJ 07302

  • Email: [email protected], [email protected]


LEAP Global Missions
  • This organization aims to take alienated children who have been shunned by their communities for facial abnormalities such as cleft lip and provide them the surgical services necessary for restoration and empower them to return to their communities as welcome, participating members. They are dedicated to developing long term relationships with the patients, communities, and partners they serve and return to the same countries to provide ongoing education and long-term medical services.

  • Locations: Dominican Republic, Belize, Haiti, India, Zimbabwe

  • 2020 Dates:

    • Zimbabwe   8/27 - 9/6

    • Haiti 11/12 - 11/16

    • India next mission in 2021

    • Dominican Republic        TBA

  • Cost: information will be provided to you upon application.

    • You will be required to provide CV, license information, Release/Liability form, and Passport info to the organization if volunteering.        

  • Liability Form:

  • Volunteer application form:

  • Contact:    7777 Forest Lane, Suite B326, Dallas, TX  75230

  • Phone: 972-566-6550, Email: [email protected]


Love Volunteers
  • Involves work in public and private hospitals, clinics and community outreaches around the world. This organization looks to have medical volunteers on a range of experience; from those just starting out on a pre-med track, currently studying or qualified professionals.

  • This organization also aims to get involved with education programs aimed at prevention and improved quality of life, while providing exposure to divergent medical practices.

  • Length: from 1-4wks duration

  • Locations: Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Guatemala, Tanzania, Cameroon, Argentina, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, Vietnam, Uganda, Cambodia, Nepal, Grenada, Sri Lanka, Morocco

  • Cost: varies with choice in location🡪Includes ground transport, support staff, orientation, housing, supplies. (Fundraising encouraged if desired to cover costs)

    • Out of Pocket: Flights, Insurance, VISA, vaccines, spending money 

  • Application:

  • Contact:    Love Volunteers (based out of New Zealand), 7 Milford Road Auckland, New Zealand 0620

  • Phone: +64-9-888-0575 Contact inquiry on website


Medical Servants International (Christian Organization)
  • Provides medical care to underserved people in the villages and towns of third world countries while educating local medical providers to the treatment of international diseases and illnesses specific to the region

  • Each trip sends doctors/dentist/optometrists, Pas, pharmacists, NPs, RNs, medical assistants and emergency medical technicians together to complete to goals and return with a deeper understanding of how to serve immigrant families in their medical communities. Involves work in local orphanages, clinics, and even prisons. Groups contain 15-30 members for each trip. Living conditions and building conditions vary between trips.

  • Location: Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan), Blantyre, Malawai (Helping Hands Orphanage and local prison medical)

    • Northern Peru, $2,900 includes the same as above, and small cost toward end of trip brief tour of Machu Picchu

    • Date: 10/16-10/24, Deadline for application: 6/30/20

  • Application :

    • Will be required to verify license, provide photo ID/passport info, and provide $200.00 non refundable application fee

  • Brochure:

  • Contact:    Medical Servants International, 970 West Valley Parkeay, Suite 66, Escondido, CA 92021

  • Phone: 760-664-4316; Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Operation Renewed Hope Medical Missions
  • This organization focuses on providing medical, educational and humanitarian relief worldwide to all who are in need. Care teams made up of professional and non-professional volunteers are used to bring this much needed relief.

  • Provide Multiple Programs:

    • Air Hope Mission- extended weekend fly in to Latin America/ Mexico to supply medical supplies and relief/care, fly back to continue your work schedule

    • Week Long Worldwide Mission

    • USA locations 1-2 day mission assisting with medical care in underserved areas


Power of a Nickel
  • Accepts:  PAs, PA students, NP’s NP students, other healthcare providers,  and non-medical helpers

  • Locations:  Belarus, Belize, Cuba, Guatemala, Greece, India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Phillipines, Ukraine, Uganda, Vietnam

  • 2020 Dates:

    • Fall 2020    Cuba    $1300    TBA

    •  Overall Inclusions:  Lodging based on double or triple occupancy, intra-country transportation, breakfast daily, other meals as stated on the itinerary, translators, medications for clinics, supplies for clinics, 

    • Out of Pocket expenses:  airfare, visa if required,  voluntary  cultural activity at end of trip, suggest trip cancellation insurance as conditions in international countries can occur that may make a trip unsafe - in which case the trip will be cancelled.  Power of a Nickel is not responsible for loss of monies in these instances,  as payments may have been made to secure lodging and transportation which in most cases Is non-refundable.     

  • Application:

  • Required: Online application and deposit of $206.00 + a 3%  required to secure place on team.  Evacuation insurance minimum $250,000 required.  Final payments due 60 days prior to travel.

    • Copy of practice license, diploma, CV, passport, evac ins ID card, airplane itinerary, and self photo uploaded to website (based on country requirements)

    • After application received, you will be supplied with a security login with further details about your trip and updates. 

  • Required docs:

  • Evac Ins:

  • Organization recommends for Ins Square mouth.

  • Resource for immunizations:

  • Contact:    Barbara Grogg, [email protected]


Palmetto Medical Initiative (OWH)
  • Location: Nicaragua, Honduras, Uganda

  • Uganda Dates 2020:

    • 10/9-10/19 application closes 7/10

    • Cost: $3,850

  • Central America 2020 Dates:

    • 10/17-10/25    Honduras    application closes 7/17

    • 12/5-12/13        Nicaragua    application closes 9/4

    • Cost: $1,900 + airfare

      • Includes: lodging, transportation, meals and related clinical expenses

      • Out of Pocket: flights, vaccinations, $10 VISA fee, and recommended $50-100 extra for own expenses

    • One World Health will assist in booking flights and team itineraries

    • Central America Application:

    • Applications will not be considered until high-resolution, legible copies of your resume/CV, undergrad diploma, medical diploma, updated license, and marriage license (if name different than qualifications) is provided via email to [email protected]

  • Uganda 2020 Dates:

    • 5/1-5/11        application closes 1/31

    • 6/17-6/27        application closes 4/17

    • 10/9-10/19        application closes 7/10

    • Cost: $3,850

      • Includes: airfare, lodging, transportation, meals and related expenses

      • Out of Pocket: vaccinations, %50 VISA fee into Uganda, additional $ for expenses

    • Application for Uganda:

  • Contact:    Palmetto Medical Initiative (One World Health), 21 Gamecock Ave Suite D, Charleston, SC 29407

  • Phone: 843.203.3280, Email: [email protected]


Project Hope
  • This organization works at the epicenter of today’s greatest health challenges, focused on Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health, Disasters and Health Crises, Infectious Diseases, Noncommunicable Diseases, and Health Policy.

  • Project HOPE volunteers serve to:

    • Build Capacity of health care workers and health systems

    • Improve Quality of health care and global health programs

    • Provide Care during emergencies and health crises

    • Support Operations through other expertise such as information technology, monitoring and evaluation, fundraising and communications.

    • Volunteers from the US are recommended to register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)


Volunteering Solutions
  • Locations: Thailand, Costa Rica, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Peru, Ghana, Kenya, Cambodia, South Africa, Uganda, Phillipines

  • Duration: generally 1-12 weeks, can extend longer if desired

  • Cost: varies depending on location and duration

  • Includes: 24h assistance and support, airport pickup, orientation, 2 meals per day, accommodation, Travel & Medical Insurance (available at an extra cost), certificate of completion (upon request)

  • Out of Pocket Cost: airfare, vaccinations, local transportation, VISAs, return to airport (extra cost)

  • **Where Yellow Fever vaccine is required, you MUST carry an international certificate of vaccination to show proof this was complete

  • To Apply: go to the mission of your choice on the webpage and click on the “book now” section

  • Contact: UK Office Address, 39 Roxborough Road- JWPC Building, Harrow HA1 1NS, United Kingdom

  • Phone: +44-785-623-4872 (whatsapp), (+44) 020 8133 9939 (UK), 1-888-790-3096 (USA)

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