The African Cultural Exchange
  • This organization has previously only done short missions, but is attempting from 2018 and beyond to expand past cultural exchanges and healthcare projects to involve long term placement of certain volunteers and provision of medical assistance.

  • Locations: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Guinea, The Gambia, South Africa, UK, Benin

  • Cost: approx $2,650  🡪 includes airfare from JFK, food/board and ground transport.

    • Out of Pocket: Visas, travel/evac insurance, vaccines

  • Application:

  • Contact:    Reginald Hughes, MD, MPH, The African Cultural Exchange, 177-18 137th Ave, Jamaica, NY 11434

  • Phone: 917-862-2864/88-748-0843, Email: [email protected]

Mercy College PA Program International Outreach Mission

  • (In conjunction with the African Cultural Exchange)

  • 7 PAs that accompany PA-S/MDs abroad, 35 total people per mission with this college

  • Locations: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Guinea, The Gambia, South Africa, UK, Benin, sometimes others

  • 2020 Dates: 5/16-5/29

  • If interested, contact Ms. Cashin to apply and obtain further information.

  • Contact:    Lorraine Cashin PA-C, MPS, Mercy College Graduate Program in PA Studies, 1200 Waters Place, Bronx, NY 10461

  • Phone: 516-974-8208, Email: [email protected]


Agape Volunteers
  • This organization prides itself on its involvement in meaningful and impact volunteering placements ranging from programs with educations, orphanage work, sport programs, HIV/AIDs work, conservation, and first aid/medical placements. The programs are flexible and are meant to provide each person with the best experience possible. The medical options are below.

  • All Medical Programs:  1) must be qualified practitioner or completed at least 1 year of a medical degree. 2) provide proof of credentials at least 8wks before your date of departure 3) required to pay a medical supplement to cover costs of registration in Kenya and subsidize medication – this will be included alongside program fee

  • Duration 1wk – 1 year

  • Cost: Program fee is determined by your desire length of stay with a personal trip advisor that is assigned to you after you apply

  • Intake is flexible! Can start/arrive on any day that works for you.

  • KENYA Application:

    • Information Booklet:

    • HIV/AIDS Program: No previous medical experience is required for this program. Involves free HIV testing and outreach in the local area including home visits. Those who stay for 6 wks or more are encouraged to do a 2wk testing and counselling course from the Kenyan government so they can continue testing patients independently

    • Cost Includes🡪 travel/ evac insurance, accommodation, 2meals / day six days/ week, airport pick up and drop off, orientation, 24h help line, in country support, included extras, and small donation toward Agapes projects

      • Included Extras: Internally displaced person camp, Nairobi city tour

      • Out of Pocket Cost🡪 flights, visa, vaccinations/ anti malarials, transport to and from accommodation, optional extras

  • GHANA Application:

  • Informational Booklet:

    • Includes taking rounds at the local hospital, prescribing and distributing basic medicines, dressing wounds and assisting births/record keeping

    • Cost determined by length of stay

      • Cost Includes: travel/evac insurance, accommodation, 2 meals per day, airport pickup and drop off, orientation, 24h helpline, in country support from Ghanaian staff, Jamestown tour, donation toward Agape’s projects

      • Out of Pocket: flights, visa, vaccinations/anti malarials, transport to and from accommodations, additional excursions

  • TANZANIA Application:

  • Informational Booklet:

    • Includes🡪 travel/evac insurance, guesthouse accommodation, airport pickup and drop off, orientation, 24h helpline, trip advisor support, in country support from staff at Maisha Cottage, donation towards the projects funds

    • Out of Pocket🡪 flights, Visa, vaccinations/anti-malarial, transport to and from placement/accommodation, additional excursions

  • Contact:    Charlie, AGAPE Volunteers

  • Phone: +44(0) 845-519-8469, Email: [email protected]


Benjamin Wellness Center
  • A smaller organization that focuses on the changes imposed on farmer’s availability to health services and screenings. Established to meet the fundamental needs of people in the region

  • Looking for: Healthcare professionals interested in service as part of a short-term team. Experience in medicine, mental health/counseling, public health education would be valuable.

  • Location: Gatamaiyu, Kenya

  • Duration: 2 weeks

  • Contact the person below for interest and more information

  • Contact:    Benjamin Wellness Center, c/o 3954 Birchwood Land Columbia, PA 17512

  • Phone: 717-684-5375


  • Practicing PAs only, 1-2 per trip, 2-3 trips per year

  • Focused on team-based care working in conjunction with village health teams. Aims at providing medical relief while educating local professionals on how to recognize conditions and continue to provide medical treatments to their own populations

  • Location: Uganda

  • Cost: approx. $3,000-4,000 (2wks duration) 🡪 includes lodging and food travel/evac insurance, flight, mid trip safari

    • Out of Pocket: VISA, vaccines if required, extra spending money

    • Visa: apply online, will stamp at airport with printed confirmation, cost approx. $100

    • No malpractice insurance required

    • Independent licensure/local registration in Uganda might be required🡪organization will facilitate if needed

  • Apply:  contact via email below with interest, 3 professional references required, will need to provide active licensing documentation to organization prior to travel

  • Contact:     Engeye, PO Box 11613, Albany, NY 12211

  • Email: [email protected]


Kenya Relief
  • This organization operates a medical/surgical clinic, orphanage and school in Migori, Kenya. Outside of their mission work, they offer child sponsorships and stateside volunteer opportunities. They organize about 20 mission teams each year to provide care abroad and encourage education of the local population for sustained care.

  • Locations: Kenya    (1-2 PAs for each surgical mission and 1PA for medical)

  • 2020 Dates:

  • Cost: total between $3,500 – 5,000🡪 includes plane ticket, 1 night stay on arrival at a hotel in Nairobi, all in country ground transportation, all meals and lodging, and 2day world class safari package

    • Visa is required: can be purchased online for $50-55, instructions will be emailed to you prior to departure

  • Contact:    Laurie Heline, Medical Mission Coordinator, 101 1st Ave NE Suite 200, Cullman, AL 35055

  • Email: [email protected]

MBaise USA Inc.
  • Involves primary care, HIV/AIDs screenings, malaria testing, pediatrics, healthcare education and medication provision

  • Location: Nigeria

  • Cost: please contact below for cost breakdown if interested

  • 2020 Dates:  April 2020 into May 2020

  • Application:

  • Contact:

    • 1 410-900-6655        Sir John Nwokoroku       Chairmen, Medical Mission

    • 1 919-995-0554        Chief SOS Echendu    President, Mbaise USA

    • 1 862-250-1352        Dr. Adanze Aguwa    Medical Director


  • Lalmba works in remote areas and has very limited international volunteer opportunities. We frequently hear from great people who are looking for volunteer opportunities from 2 weeks to 6 months. At this time, they are only considering those willing to work for 6 mo or more in 2020. 

  • Their healthcare programs include both outpatient and inpatient programs, TB treatment programs, maternity services, HIV treatment programs, malnourishment and burn units

  • Location: Kenya, Ethiopia

  • Volunteer Application:   

  • Cost: Lalmba does pay for all the costs of traveling to, working in and living in Africa. Lalmba will cover round trip transportation, room and board, life and health insurance, immunizations, visas and 30 days vacation per year. For volunteers serving two years in Africa, Lalmba will also provide round trip tickets to return to the U.S. (or your home country) for a visit at the end of the first year.

  • Contact:    Lalmba Association, 1000 Corey St. Longmont, CO 80501

  • Phone: 303-485-1810, Email: [email protected]


Weill Cornell Brain and Spine Center
  • This organization seeks to facilitate care through surgical interventions not typically offered in the local area and by educating local providers to continue this management with limited resources to the best capacity they can.

  • This involves both clinical experience, surgical experience, and implementing educational programs.

  • At this time, this organization only accepts those with Neurosurgery/Spine Experience

  • Location: Tanzania/Zanzibar

  • Annual Updated Newsletter:

  • Facebook Page of Tanzania Neurosurgery Project:

  • ***Special consideration for applicants with biomedical engineering experience

  • All lodging/flights/food/travel insurance costs are your responsibility. Housing options are provided to you by Ms. Bell upon applying to the mission and completing the interview process

  • No official application. Just mention interest to contact below. You will be required to either Skype interview (on Tuesdays only) or  face-to-face interview upon applying. You will also be required to provide CV and licensure information prior to departing on mission.

  • Contact:     Erma Bell, Department of Neurological Surgery, Starr Building, Room 651, 525 East 68th Street, Box 99 New York, New York 10021

  • Phone: 212-746-5138, Email: [email protected]

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